Raneen Expressive Workshops
These workshops depend on utilizing audio stories and expressing them in different arts (Drama, design and puppet making, drawing). These workshops aims to:
1. Develop children’s listing and communication skills. 2. Find spaces for children to express themselves. 3. Implant and enhance values and positive attitudes in children such as (belonging to the home country, loving earth, rejecting injustice, resolving conflicts peacefully, self-acceptance, acceptance of others…etc
Train the Trainers Workshops (teachers, librarians, workers at Children’s Centers, community volunteers) on how use the audio story as an educational methodology:

The program is based on trainings aimed at introducing the trainee to a number of new creative ways that will create an interactive space to develop communication skills, creative criticism and self-expression, by breaking out of the traditional and spoon-feeding in education into a methodology based on audio story, interactive drama and active learning to deliver multiple educational and community concepts and values
Audio Library for Every School:

Raneen’s Foundation core goal is based on encouraging teachers, parents, school and public libraries to obtain audiobooks and audio material as an effective way of learning and inspiring the child's imagination in order to develop his/her skills in constructive criticism. Since the first day of Raneen’s foundation, it produced audio stories in classical Arabic and dramatically with music and sound effects with the aim of enriching the Arabic audio content and creating alternative learning and entertaining ways that are more interactive and participatory for the child, especially the student.
Raneen’s Week for the Audio Story:
Raneen’s week of the Audio Story takes place in April each year, bringing with it a set of educational, moral and intellectual values represented in a number of interactive activities based on the audio story with the objective of inspiring the child's imagination and enriching his/her learning, awareness of what is surrounding them, expressing him/herself and his/her opinion critically allowing him/her to live positively with those around him/her and think about the elements of things. The goal is a motivational environment that gives the child the opportunity to learn about listening as a fun personal skill that develops itself and opens new horizons for learning, visualizing and reflecting.
Raneen’s Clubs for the Audio Story:
Raneen’s launches audio story clubs in the community centers and most vulnerable areas to downgrading with the aim of creating more interesting quality cultural and artistic spaces for children and young people that enhance listening, working and employing their arts and are based on the idea of investing in the energies of young people as ambassadors for Raneen who share their acquired knowledge and skills with their peers and children in community centers in areas that lack the spaces that enhance their participation.
Interactive Listening Sessions:

These sessions are implemented by teachers trained by Raneen, they include a group of educational strategies such as brainstorming, drama games, puppet design and painting, and written activities. These sessions contribute to the development of listening and dialogue skills, enhance critical thinking skills and implant positive values and attitudes among students.
Raneen’s Training Platform:
It is a digital learning space with a range of multiple courses that contribute to building the capacity of teachers, those who works with children and parents to use contemporary learning strategies that improve the skills of students and children.